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Hey, readers, it’s me, Chetan Agarwal today I am going to tell you how to earn money in your 20s. So, that you became financially free as well as can support your family.

When a boy or a girl is in his or her twenties they or feel uneasy asking for money from their parents but in our twenties. We have to do certain expenses; like an outing with friends, buying some fancy trending clothes, dating our girlfriends, etc.

We need money but we hesitate to ask our parents. So in our twenties. We need some source to earn money so that we can earn our own money to meet our expenses. And even someone wants to help their family by earning some money.

So let’s talk about some skills or things that you can do to earn money in your 20s. We don’t have so many skills or knowledge but there are some skills and knowledge that can be learned by anyone and can start earning.


If you are in your twenties the best way to earn money is by doing tuition. In our twenties, we have so much time that we can utilize that time by giving or during tuition to children. As we all know tuition is the most demanding thing for a very long time. It still don’t have so many teachers to meet the demand of so many students.

I am not talking about tuition only for school students if someone has good skills in playing some musical instrument. It has some other knowledge like drawing, know detrition, etc. He or she can do tuition not only home base tuition but can also online tuition through zoom. By doing tuition you will earn a good amount of money every month and can bear your expenses. The only thing is that you should have patient and should put your time and dedication to understand and learn. This skill if you can do this then definitely you will earn money.

How to earn money in your 20s explained by Chetan Agarwal. How to be financially free in your 20s.


Video editing is a skill that anyone can learn and it is simple. It is the most demanding skill and you can earn a huge amount of money. It is doing video editing if you know about video editing. You can learn this skill from the internet as the learning tutorials are freely available on the internet.

As you all know nowadays there are so many YouTubers who want a good video editor. He can provide good content to their viewers. So you can approach many YouTubers and ask them and show them your skill. So that they hire you and you can earn some money.

Today we don’t want large powerful desktop computers for video editing at present smartphones. So much capable that they can edit and can produce good videos.


You can learn graphic design which is again the most demanding skill in the market. If you have good knowledge about graphic design then you can earn a good income from it.

As nowadays everything is digital and ads are run in so many ways but the ads should be well designed so that it attracts the customer. For example, if Flipkart wand to advertise that they will give huge discounts.

Then they will need a graphic designer to make a post or ads for them. Flipkart can do marketing by showing the post or ads in many ways and can sell their product.

You can learn graphic designing from the internet and you can use the most market-demanding software like adobe PageMaker, photoshop, etc for your work and if you have a smartphone you can use canvas, Picsart, etc.


If you are in your twenties you can learn about the stock market. Why the stock market? Because if you learn about the stock market and if you have some money then you can invest your money in the market to earn a return from it and that return you can use as expenses.

Not only to meet the expenses but if you learn about the stock market and your vision in future-oriented then you will gain such knowledge which is very important for a person at present.

It is such a kind of skill that you will get a good result and will be able to earn a good return and it will be very much important for life but be careful to gain some knowledge before jumping into it.


You can start YouTubing. In youtube, you can earn a huge amount of money by making videos. Nowadays so many peoples are doing YouTubing and earning money from it if you can provide such it is useful for the viewers or it can be enjoyable for viewers.

If you have some skills and knowledge then you can create youtube videos and help people out there and you can also earn money.

If you travel a lot you can create vlogs if you eat various kinds of food then you can create a food vlog channel if you are a musician then you can make videos on music.

The only thing is that you should be consistent and should gradually improve your content and once you start to earn then no one can stop you if people started loving your content. I personally a youtube and I am earning so much money by just making content.


Data entry is such easy work where you just have to put in your time and effort and you can earn money easily. You can find many data entry work and in your 20s you will get data entry work very easily because this work needs precision and concentration.

There are so many companies where data entry is required and many ads are run for that work. So you can enroll for that and can earn money.

So guys the sources that I have told you if you do these things with your dedication and efforts you will surely start earning money, I am not telling that you will earn lakhs but you will earn a good amount of money and can meet your expenses and also can help your own family.

The only thing that is required is dedication, consistency, and patients if you have these things in your self then I guaranteed you that you will earn money not only in your twenties but also for the rest of your life you will not face any problems in earning money.

But remember one thing if you want to earn money then go ahead but don’t distract your focus from your future goal.

So thank you, guys, for your patients and the effort that you have put to read this article I hope that I was knowledgeable for you and I hope that I was able to put value in your life, and I hope that you all will be successful full one day and all my best wishes are with you.

if you want to learn more knowledgeable things like investments, skills, etc you can subscribe to my youtube channel Chetan Agarwal where you will find so many good videos which will be helpful for you.

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