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Hey, readers listen to me at present where are you, what are you doing just for a moment look around yourself and comfortable, the everything that you use or everything that you buy; have only and only one motive is to make your life comfortable and to bring comfort to your life. If you want food take out your smartphone and click food is ready, if you want to read a book or you want some clothes you will get it to buy just with some clicks, if you want to play games, watch movies click its ready if you want to be in a relationship swipe right and you have it. Everything that you want is instantly available to you at the speed of your thoughts, technology is doing so many things easily that we feel that the only motive of our life is to make life comfortable.

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We see everything just with one measurement, is my life becoming comfortable, whether I am living a comfortable life, is my life have every things that can make me feel comfortable? But if you look at those people who are successful who make you inspire to become like them when you grow up when you will be more experienced. But if you look into their life carefully then you will come to know that they everyday make such a strange decisions which is “the path of maximum discomfort”,

Every day all successful people ask themselves that they have only two paths, comfortable and uncomfortable and which one I will choose, and every time they choose the most uncomfortable path. they always challenge themselves, they always tell themselves that if they went through the comfortable path then they will not become what they want to become, I will not be able to learn what they want to learn and they will not be able to change the world according to the way they want to.

If you want to do something meaningful with your life you have to choose constantly the path of maximum resistance. So that if you go through an uncomfortable journey, when you are challenged, when you are provoked, when you feel that your path is full of obstacles and hindrances. Then you will learn new, then only you grow.

Comfort Zone

Just remember your college days. When you are new in the college and was full of energy, ambition, and plans; but by the 2nd year, everything was flown out. You are just optimizing for your comfort. When you get the assignments it gets distributed and you were working within your comfort. You use to sleep more than 15 min 20 min at thinking about whether I will study later or do the assignment later or you watch Netflix or youtube by thinking that you will do my work later. You use to do all this work within your comfort zone and you get the comfort. If you told yourself during the college that you can’t do public speaking I feel from the stage and you have told yourself that I want to learn it and I will learn it. And to earn it, you have to become uncomfortable and start doing public speaking and people will shout at you and will make it fun but you have to stand right there and think that I have chosen this path consciously and if I want to learn then I have to do this.

This uncomfortable path will teach you a thing that you did not know before. Every successful person has always chosen the uncomfortable path and now they have trained them in such a way that at every point of their life they ask themselves which path is comfort or discomfort and they always choose discomfort.

So, how to get out of this comfort zone?


When you have to make any decision and you are afraid than at that moment feel the fear and do it anyway by counting 1,2,3. Boom you have started. Let’s take an example when you are in your college and a festive has been organized. You are the backstage and waiting for your turn to give a speech and it is your the first time. But you are afraid and after some time your turn comes and the auditorium is fully crowded. After your speech you will feel some kind of inner confidence rather than that you have made some mistakes. Some people have made fun of it but the thing that matter is that you have done it. You will have the confidence to do it again and this getting out of your comfort zone.


The main problem to break out of your comfort zone is not trying new things. Many peoples are there they don’t try new things and make complaints. It is difficult to do for me I am very bad at this without even trying. So do things that are new to you and that can give some value to your life. For example rani a girl want to get admission to a college and her name has been selected for 2 colleges. One is an only girls college and one is a co-ed college and from her childhood, she studied in an only-girls college. Here she will take admitted to a co-ed college because this will make her learn many new things as it is both boy’s and a girls’ college.


This means if you are making some kind of commentary. While watching a football match that is not the way, that player should do this, etc, etc. But on that ground, there is a coach who is shouting and telling the same thing. He is the coach and you are just an audience. This is the difference between active and passive. To become active do the work that you can do or even give it a try.


What if your life looks like if you don’t take the action which you are afraid of. It will be after 5 years or after 10 years if you don’,t. What it will look if you take the action or that you are afraid of. Visualizing your future about your action will make you feel better and help you to break through your comfort zone.

So, if you want to be successful go with discomfort.

Thank you guys for your patients and the effort that you have put to read this article. I hope that I was knowledgeable for you. hope that I was able to put value in your life. You all will be successful full one day and all my best wishes are with you.

If you want to learn more knowledgeable things like investments, and skills. If you want to watch interviews with celebrities, etc you can subscribe to my youtube channel Chetan Agarwal. Here you will find so many good videos which will be helpful for you.

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